Sunday, July 25, 2010

Vin Diesel Fact of the Week

When Vin Diesel runs, the sound of his testicles knocking together makes people think a horse is galloping past.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Angelina Jolie Fact of the Week

Angelina Jolie just saved a bunch of money on her car insurance by eating her insurance agent.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Sexist Vintage Ads

Vintage Ads is running a contest to vote on the the most sexist ad EVER...!.,...

They've narrowed it down to five contestants, with five perhaps being the most blatant. It's an anti-suffrage ad, and while the others were entertaining, that one just depressed me.

I posted my favorite above. Look at it! It doesn't make any sense! The actual advertisement is a total non sequiter from the sexism at the start. Did the ad meeting actually go,

"Ya know, Steve. This ad is missing something."
"I Agree, Tom!"
"That's it! We need something sexist in it! It just seems incomplete without it. No need to work at it. Just bolt it on."
"At the start or the end?"
"At the beginning. If we put it at the end, we might be forced to do real work."

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Vintage Ad

Oh thank you, thank you! Thank you, hilariously stereotypical African man for curing my... constipation?

Reason You May be An Asshole

You have more than three pieces of IKEA furniture in your house. One was a gift, one was a mistake, and the last was there when you moved in.